<aside> 💥 Objectives tracking:

Tracking: Design OKRs, Q4 2022


1. Shape the right features fast

[Company-level O1]

KR1: Facilitate review of a design proposal 5 times a week from a relevant Product Manager.

KR2: Deliver reviewed design proposals to 10 Linear issues with Todo status and High priority.

KR3: Participate in one design review per release

2. Design what matters

[Company-level O1]

KR1: Bring average response time on design-related bugs down from 5,3 work days to 3 work days.

KR2: Reduce time spent on brand asset deliverables to max. 2 hours per week while maintaining high quality.

3. Make the design system more efficient

[Company-level O1]

KR1: Make it easier to track down and implement the newest design of our core components.